sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2010


Come on. Seriously!!!
How is it possible that I went back to the obsessing state of mind? I don't wanna handle it right now. All that void that consumes my inner being when I see Him or It. It's way to fucked up. What do I want, better saying, what do I need? Do we need anything? Of course we do, we are humans. As if this statement would make me feel better. It's a great deal to be human.

Feelings are overrated. Relationships are overrated. Existence is overrated. Life is overrated. Why give a shit about any of these things? Because we are humans. Humanity is overrated.

So I want it, badly. "It" isn't so hard to get, just make a little effort, but him... Or should I say them.

domingo, 11 de julho de 2010


It`s incredible how it might come in a array of ways. I cought my self having this experience quite often lately.

A music or a band for example. I don`t really like Oasis, or I thogut I didn`t but I was checking up on a friends old writtings and I saw this song name. I knew it was Oasis becouse I remember reading that thing before. So I decided to listen to the song. Fuck three times.

The relationship I have with the band is the same I have with winter! Why? Is it because of the time I "met" the band? Is it Because they come from the North? Or is it because all those feeling I had while I was listening to them and what I felt during winter were the same?? Gotcha!

Some people keep their memories in their mind. Some, on the pictures they`ve taken. Or their post cards, letters, simple objects or movies. I keep mine on music. All my memories are attached to this amazing way of expression. This is a tip for those who need to find some, how can I put it, Closure.

I just realized that I din`t want to listen to them because it made me feel sad. Just like winter. It takes me back to one of my deepest dark spots. A darkness I haven`t felt so strong in years and I felt it again in the begining of this winter. But its what the clichê says: "When you spend to much time in the darkness you learn how to see in the dark."

I don`t mind anymore. I made peace with it. I can`t fight it and I wont. It`s much better to embrace it. Use it as a Leverage. What is not so hard as it might be to same people. That`s the deal. We are compeled to fight, when we should be compeled to understand it. Not be afraid of what you might find couse, some times, it isn`t preatty.